Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Hello All! 
  Everyone seems to be on the ball with co-op stuff today! I was able to get confirmations from both the local farm and Albert's before 10:00!!

We have an extra item on the pre-order list this week!!
*Tribe Hummus, Original with Tomato Bruschetta, Kosher3.00 each
Local Eggs $3.50/dozen
Andrew and Everett Gluten Free Butter $3.50
Plainville ground turkey $5.50/1 lb package
Fresh Pork -- prices on the freezer
Murray's Whole chickens 3.5-4 lbs each 10.00
Murray's non breaded chicken tenders 4.50 for a 1 lb pack

Now for what will be in your co-op bins this week!
Russet Potato Organic
Boston butter lettuce Local, Organic
Carrots, 1lb Bag, Organic
Choice:  Acorn Squash OR White Mushrooms,8 oz Package, both Organic
Apples, Honeycrisp, Organic
Tangelos, Orlando, Florida, Organic
Pears, DAnjou,  Organic
Kiwifruit, Italian,  Organic

$25 Only...
Sugar Snap Peas  Local. Organic
Choice: Raspberries OR Blackberries 6 oz Clamshells both organic