Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

'Water (and Money) Saving Ideas and Products | Sale'


Water (and Money) Saving Ideas
Our Newest Water Conservation Products
Stock Up For Summer Sale Items

Although water seems to be everywhere on earth, only 1% is available for human consumption, and much of it is diverted for agriculture or industrial uses. How much water does your home use daily? The average American home uses around 400 gallons every day, which adds up to about $500 spent every year on water and sewer bills (assuming you don't have large landscaping or pool water use). Wasted water also means energy consumption: heating water makes up about 12% of our home's energy bills. With numbers like these, you can see how conserving water means significant savings for your family. Green Irene believes that without changing your lifestyle, your family can drastically reduce its water consumption.

Outdoor Water Use

Where's the best place to direct your water conservation efforts? Knowing how household water is used can help make sure that your reduction efforts have the biggest possible impact. For instance, outdoor water use is a full 30% of our homes' water consumption, so our yards are an important part of any conservation efforts. The gallons add up quickly when we water our gardens and lawns, hose off driveways, sidewalks, and patios, or wash our cars.Girl Watering Yard Make sure you have a nozzle and an inexpensive mechanical timer on your outdoor hose. Consider a Rain Pillow or a Waterbroom if you face watering restrictions brought on by drought conditions.

There are so many free ways to save water in your yard including watering in the early morning hours (and skip windy days) to minimize evaporation and adjust your mower to allow longer grass (as it holds water better than a closely clipped lawn). Mulching slows down evaporation so spread a lot around trees and plants. Consider adding elements of xeriscaping by using native and drought resistant plants as you make changes to your landscaping.

Indoor Water Use

Our indoor water use makes up the remaining 70% of home water consumption. Toilets consume 26% of this indoor water, so reducing gallons of water used per flush (gpf) and fixing even the smallest toilet flapper leak are important steps toward savings. A leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons of water a day or 73,000 a year. When you remodel make sure you get a dual flush toilet to use less water when less is needed, and in any case get an EPA WaterSens
e model, sort of like Energy Star, but for water conservation. A $3 toilet tank bank can save more than a gallon per flush without upgrading your toilet.

Showers, bathroom sinks and kitchen sinks
draw a lot of water too; combined they constitute almost a third of indoor water use. These are also major points for hot water use, so by making investments that reduce their water consumption you'll get the double effect of saving both water and energy. A $2 faucet drip measurement gauge can be a great lesson for the kids on how drops turn into dollars, and a 5-minute shower timer can help too. Isn't it time you replaced your old 2.5 gallon per minute (or higher) shower head with the Green Irene recommended 1.49 GPM low flow shower head? Over 5 years this one little shower head will save you at least 38,325 gallons of water and $1,150 in energy costs.

Your Local Eco-Consultant

Introducing Green Irene's Newest Water Conservation Products

Our research team is constantly on the lookout for innovative products to save money and resources, and our 500+ Eco-Consultants spot innovative solutions around the country. Here are a few of our latest water saving products available from my Green Irene catalog.

Instant-Off Water Saver

Instant Off
The Instant-Off Water Saver saves up to 10,000 gallons of water per year by eliminating the waste of unused running water. Easily installed in place of your current faucet aerator, it allows water to run only when you move the rod with your hand under the sink. It also reduces the spread of infection and simplifies sink use since there is no need to adjust the faucet handles once it's set up. Every kid's bathroom and office sink should have one. For just $9.50, it's like having a motion-sensing faucet. [Item 48790]

Faucet Flow Control Valve
Faucet Flow Valve
Our Faucet Flow Control Valve limits the amount of water that reaches your faucet to between 1.0 or 1.5 GPM (down from 2.2-5.0 for many faucets), saving both water and energy while allowing you to use any style of faucet! It's an easy way to save up to 85% of the water used with your sinks, and is an ideal alternative when faucet aerators aren't an option (for example when you have fancy faucets in unusual colors). Each package comes with two, one for hot and one for cold.
[$20, Item 49180]

Leak DetectorToilet & Urinal 5-Second Leak Detector

Our toilet leak detector can diagnose leaks in 5 seconds in your home or office toilets (including tankless models and urinals found in offices). Applied to the inside of a toilet
bowl or urinal, this blue liquid creates a immediate visual indicator if a leak exists in your bathroom fixtures, allowing you to make repairs and save up to 78,000 gallons of water per year (3 swimming pools) per fixture. Many leaks on old toilet flappers can't be heard, but still waste tens of thousands of gallons if left untended. Take a tour of your house through the year to see if the guest bathroom or the kid's toilets are slowly leaking, costing you $100s. [$8, Item 49150]

Rain Pillow
The Rain Pillow horizontal rainwater storage system can hold 750, 1,000 or up to 40,000 gallons of water captured from roof runoff, and it can be stored discreetly under a deck or porch or in a crawl space. It's easy to install and provides water for outdoor non-potable use, saving you money on your water bill and allowing you to water even when there are water restrictions in place. [From $2,250, Item 50370]

Residential and Industrial Waterbroom
Green Irene's waterbroom cleans all the same surfaces as power washers or hoses, but the waterbroom uses 75% less water. This means big savings on your water bill, and it acts as a gentle power washer so you you can clean all of your hard surfaces exceptionally well while reducing the water sent down the drain polluting our oceans, lakes and streams. Home and business models are available. Every storefront business and apartment building should have one. [From $180, Items 48910 and 49000]

Stock Up for Summer Sale
Make sure to take advantage of the promotions before June 9!

$5 Off Green Irene's Toxic Free Car Cleaning Kit

Washing your car at home this summer saves money, but it's actually a bad deal f
or the environment - lots of wasted water plus all that soapy water and toxic chemicals run straight into the storm drains and down to nearby lakes and rivers. With Green Irene's Waterless Car Cleaning Kit, though, you can significantly cut down the amount of water you use when washing your car, which is better for the environment and better for your pocketbook. Our WaterleCar Cleaning Kitss Car Cleaning Kit includes everything you need to detail your paint, chrome and upholstery - without all the wasted water and toxic cleaners!

The products included are non-toxic, VOC free, dye free, paraben free, phospha
te free and fragrance free, so it's even safe for little ones helping out. Get 7-10 full washes (depending on the size of your car) and save up to 840 gallons of water. This kit is also great for bicycles, motorcycles and boats! The upholstery carpet cleaner works great inside your home as well.

The kit includes:

▪ 1 Waterless Car Wash (32 oz. bottle)
▪ 1 Eco-Friendly Tire Shine (16 oz. bottle)

▪ 1 Upholstery Carpet Spot Cleaner (16 oz. bottle)
▪ 2 Microfiber Car Wash Towels (one 2-pack)

Price: $37 (regularly $42)
Item #: 41440

Buy 2 Stainless Steel Water Bottles, and Get the 3rd Free

With summer quickly approaching, make sure you're equipped to hydrate yourself and your entire family all summer while at the beach, summer camp, baseball field or on-the
16 oz Bottle-go. Our 16 oz. stainless steel bottle is a perfect replacement for your disposable plastic water bottles. By using stainless steel bottles, you avoid bisphenol A (BPA) and save money, more than $500 annually over the equivalent amount of bottled water (based on two 16 oz. bottles per day). And some studies suggest that plastic bottles may leach phthalates into your water, especially when left in hot cars. With an e-z off cap, chip-resistant finish and built-in rubber coaster, this bottle is designed to be safer than plastic and much more convenient than any of the alternatives.

Mix and match colors to differentiate bottles for family members or drinks like water, sports drinks, iced tea and lemonade! Optional sports cap also available.

Price: $12/per bottle (save $12)
Colors: Black, Purple, Metallic Red, Metallic Blue, Stainless Steel Swirl, Exile, Flower Power or White with Green Irene Logo
Item #: 50580