Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Friday, November 2, 2012

What will be in your co-op bins this week! 11/1

$15 bin

$25 bin

Another view of the $25 bin

Remember those yummy little apples we ordered last year??
Well, they are back!!
Organic Crimson Gold Cuyama Apples1 lb Bag $3.50 each!!

1.Medium Organic Eggs $2.50 -- in refrigerator
2. Local Honey 2lb jars $12
3. Sweeney's Certified Organic Soaps --check out their website here  --new scents and accessories added! --These will be ON SALE this week!!
4. Murray's Chickens 3.5-4lbs $10.00
5. Local Pork -- price list is above the freezer..
6. Andrew and Everett Salted Butter  $3.50 --if you did not get any last time this is by far the best butter we have ever had!! and the price is awesome!!
7. Himalayan Salt Soak or Cook (on table) 16oz jars for $20 or 2 for $30 and  8oz bags for $10 

Now for what will be in your co-op bins this week...
Beans, Green, Organic
Carrots, 1 lb Bag, Organic
Choice: Fennel, OR Green Chard, ,both Organic
Yams, Jewel,  Organic
Granny Smith Apples, Organic
Banana,  Organic
Pomegranates,  Organic
Tangerines, Organic
DAnjou Pears,  Organic  -- to make up for the missing tangerines last week :)

$25 Only...
Broccoli Florets, 9 oz Bag, Organic
Cranberries, 7.5 oz Clamshell, Organic -- I know it is early, but check out the recipes for fresh cranberries here

Fresh Green Beans, Fennel, and Feta Cheese recipe here

Information on Pomegranates here