Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is in the Co-Op bins this week 3/31/2011

We have a fellow co-op member/ baker extraordinaire that is going to drop off some of her marvelous baked goods samples this week. She has been slipping me a few every week and I will be the first to tell you everything she has made for us has been FANTASTIC!! This week she is planning on bringing samples of:
* Almond Protein Bars
*  Muesli
*  apple/carrot cookies (Morning Glory Cookies) **our favorites**
*  Pecan Sandies

So look out for those and be ready to pre-order them for next week!

Extras for this week:
1. Next Organic Dark Chocolate Covered Organic Cashews
    or Goji Berries $3.50 or
2 for $6.50   **check out their website for more information**
2. Murray's All Natural Whole chickens $10
3. Franny's Green  Raisins, Jumbo $4.00  or 2 for $7.50
4. Really RAW Honey $6.00 for 1 or $11 for 2 jars
5.Nature's Healthy Gourmet Original, "Natural," Kosher,
   Hummus 8 oz for $2.50 or 2 for $4.00

Now for what will be in your bags this week...
Onions (Bunching) Florida Sweet Local, Organic
Choice: Lettuce Green leaf OR kale  Local, Organic
Choice: arugula   OR sorrel OR zucchini Local, Organic
Mushrooms, Crimini, Organic
Blueberries,  Organic
Oranges, Valencia, Florida, Organic
Kiwifruit, Organic
Banana, Organic

$25 only...
Eggplant and peppers