Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Friday, April 26, 2013

What will be in your co-op bins this week! 4/25



Our new gluten free goodies

Pre-Order ONLY!!  -- by Wednesday night
Goat's Milk: $12 gallon     $7 half gallon     $4 quart
Clay Bakery Ezekiel Bread $7 a loaf
Clay Bakery Cookies $6 dozen

Regular Pre-Orders:
Local Eggs 3.50
Organic Eggs 3.00
Raisins 4.00 or 2 for $6.00  -- Only 2 left!
Fresh Pork prices are on the black board above the freezer
Local RAW Honey 2lb jug $12.00
RAW Chocolates $5.00 for 3 pieces of Heaven
    Different flavors available this week: walnut, sea salt and maca  --
    The flavor is on the back of  the packages
Bell and Evans Gluten Free Chicken Tenders $5.60
Andrew and Everett Gluten Free Butter $3.50
Murray's whole chickens 3.5-4lbs $10.00 
Franny's Organic Raisins 4.50

NEW!! Cold and flu soak now available, Herbal bath soak And
New batch of himalayan cooking salt is in :)

There will be a box of bananas for those that had a sub in their bin
they were unhappy about! Please take a bunch for your family!

Now for what will be in your co-op bins (hopefully nothing will change))
cilantro Local, Organic
Choice: eggplant OR fennel both local, Organic
radish  Local, Organic
Tomatoes (Regular), Organic
Lemons,  Organic
Pears, Bartlett,  Organic
Oranges, Valencia, Organic
Mangos, Tommy Atkins, Organic 

 $25 Only
Fava Beans, Organic
Peaches,  Organic

Cilantro Water with or w/o Fruit (Detox Beverage)