Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Monday, January 19, 2015


We have some special extras for purchase this week. Make sure to get here early to get some...if you are interested.


***Remember to return the bottles!!
Cow's Milk: $10 a Gallon $6 Half Gallon

Regular Pre-Order Items
* Organic Valley RAW sharp cheddar cheese 8ounce pack$ 4.91 each
* The Spice Lab's Fine ground Himalayan Salt -- I bought a 2lb bag for 9.74.
   You can bring your own container, fill it, and pay whatever percentage of the
   9.74 you think you took. I can order more at any time and it is here quickly.
Nature's Yoke Organic Eggs $3.00/dozen 
Local Eggs $3.50/dozen
Andrew and Everett Gluten Free Butter $3.50
Plainville ground turkey $5.50/1 lb package
Fresh Pork -- prices on the freezer

What will be in your co-op bins this week!
Russet Potatoes Organic
Choice: Celery Sleeved Organic OR kale -- LOcal, Organic
Carrots, 1 lb Bag, Organic
Garlic, White,Organic...
Concorde Pear Organic
Apples, Honeycrisp, Organic
Grapefruit, Ruby (pink), Florida, Organic
$25 Only
Cherry tomatoe -- Local, Organic
Pint Strawberries -- Local Organic -- I was not able to get any extra!