Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Honey Medicine

I do not have a picture of this because when I was sick I made this and forgot about it leaving it in the crock pot for over 12 hours!! Regardless it smelled great, but I was not able to use it...

Combine the following ingredients in a glass covered baking dish and cook on your oven’s lowest possible heat for 4 hours. Strain out solids (which are really tasty) and the liquid is the remedy. I store mine in glass jars and it does not require refrigeration.

A little less than 2 quarts of honey which has not been heated
1 fist full of ORGANIC garlic, peeled and smashed
1 fist full of ORGANIC ginger, peeled and sliced
1 ORGANIC red onion, peeled and sliced

(The organic produce has a much higher concentration of the phytochemicals (chemical factors in the plants) which we need in the medicine, so it really needs to be organic produce.)

The Honey Medicine is is good for sore throats, laryngitis, colds, flu, general upper respiratory and coughs, allergy type coughs, that kind of thing.

Dosage--For everyone (but babies) the dosage is up to you really. The Bio-chemist/Nutritionist said "I usually take it by the tablespoon every couple of hours. The kids would take a little less but it's just food so you should not have to worry. The babies are still too young to do honey safely by many doctors advise so I would not go against that."

I put 1 tablespoon in warm water and suck it down with a straw due to its strong taste. It's great to sip hot when you're really stuffed up.


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