Okay so I have at least 4 packs of those bath crayons for Luke. He loves them to the point that when they are gone he refuses to throw the sticks away in hopes that there may be a little left in there. The problem with those crayons is that Luke pushes really hard therefore making buying the crayons something that we have to do often, they are hard to wash off, and the fall out of that holder thing all the time and get stuck in the drain. So, solution a friend of mine gave me a couple recipes from this book Kid Concoctions and there was a recipe for Tubtime Crayons. So I made the crayons tonight and here is the process... I will post pictures with them in action as soon as we use them!!
Tubtime Crayons
what you will need:
1 cups grated Ivory soap (I used Dove)
1/4 cup warm water
4-6 drops food coloring
Plastic Cookie Cutters

How to Make It:
1. Mid water, soap, and food coloring together in a medium bowl. Stir the crayon mixture until it begins to stiffen.
** I mixed it without the food coloring, then divided it up into separate bowls and added the food coloring later so I could have multiple colors**
2. Remove the mixture from the bowl and knead until it is the consistency of a very thick dough
3. Spoon crayon mixture into plastic cookie cutters
4. Place the plastic cookie cutters in the freezer for 10 minutes
5. pop the cr

ayons out of the cookie cutters and allow them to dry over night or until hard.
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