Naples Greenola

We are an organic Co-Op located in Naples, Florida. Feeding families organically since 2009.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A couple of things...

Okay I have had quite a busy week so here are the highlights... our crazy lettuce that is vining??? and our left over carrots that we need to pull.
our watermelon vines flowering...

our monster tomato plant that seems to just keep growing and growing, and growing, and some sweet potato vines in the back...

my magical tub cleaner that works wonderfully as a cleaner for my kitchen and bathroom counters..
1/4 cup baking soda
and enough peppermint castile soap to make it a paste
wipe counters down with water, wipe on paste, scrub, and rinse.... beautiful!!
our cucumber babies. These have been sitting in our window sill awaiting the hydroponic system to be completed. Aren't they beautiful?!
and finally blueberry spinach baby food. I had some spinach left over from the co-op (2 weeks ago) and decided to make some baby food. So I steamed the left over spinach until smooshy, added half a pint of blueberries and a splash of lemon juice, blended and froze...... mmmmmm baby food. This was one of Luke's favorites.


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